Thursday, 25 May 2017

More badgers

I tried for an eye-level shot of the badgers this evening while two of them were enjoying their evening meal of peanuts. The second badger arrived at about 11.45pm. I very slowly opened the front door and peered out camera in hand while lying on the floor about 10-15 feet from them. I lay there for a few minutes getting focus - not so easy in the low light - then got two pictures. In the first shot they they had their backs to me. The flash prompted them to turn round, but after a few seconds pause they went back to eating. I then got this second shot before they moved away.  

Eye-level shot of two badgers

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Heritage museum

The camera club is now holding additional meetings at a museum which is providing new photographic inspirations. The museum is the Alford Heritage Museum which displays artifacts from local rural village life in days of yore, with many of the items being presented in context, so we have a smiddy, a joinery, a cobbler's workshop, a schoolroom, a shop and so on.

Rebate planes in the joinery