Monday, 29 January 2018


Most of my photographs come from "found objects", either scenes or items in and around the house. A few photographs are at least partially inspired by dreams. The "Bees" image was from a vaguely remembered dream and this image is also based on a dream. When I put a print of "Ascent" into a club competition the judge wondered if it was something to do with advancing through life. I'm not sure what it's about, but in my dream the climb surface was not rock - I only remember that there was no fear despite the crumbling handholds and more of the climb behind me than ahead.


Saturday, 27 January 2018

P is for Pomegranate

Extending the alphabetography with fruit. I was looking at colour wheels* and wondered if fruit could be arranged as a colour wheel.  This image is as close as I could get with the fruit at hand. The fruit are not pure colours, and the plate provides the blue.

Fruit Wheel

Note*: colour wheel - pure colours arranged as a wheel - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, magenta, red ... etc.

I bought a pomegranate intending to include it in the first fruit image, but it didn't fit on the plate
