Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Heritage Museum

This image was made at the Alford Heritage Museum about 20 miles from Aberdeen. The museum contains artifacts from bygone ages - owned and used by people from Alford and wider NE Scotland.
I'm slowly working my way through the exhibits. This mono image is a multiple exposure of the cutting blade on a six-foot long double-handed saw.

Cutting Edge

These previous images are also from one the exhibits.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Urbex workshop

I was at a photographic workshop on Tuesday - "Urbex - Weathered Treasures". A long way to travel (Aberdeen - Hackney - Aberdeen), but well worth it - getting valuable advice from Valda Bailey, Doug Chinnery, and Terry Gibbins.

The workshop was in a Victorian warehouse / workshop, now used as an environment for film / video. This multiple exposure image was based on a rather sad looking plant found on an upstairs balcony resting against a wonderfully textured rough-cast wall.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019


Alford Heritage Museum has good source material for multiple exposure images inspired by Brexit.

The images were created in-camera, two shots in each case.
The original subject was an old battered enamel / steel panel advert for "BP motor spirit".